Granville is best experienced over a long weekend or multiple days during the week. Filled with relaxation, history, special events, live music, and exploration. Spend some time on the front porch listening to the old timers tell stories, or head out to the water for some blissful paddle-boarding. Peruse the gift shops and antiques. Stay a little while.
Visit granvilletn.com for more information about our town!
Cordell Hull Lake/Cumberland River
Granville Veterans Park and Picnic Area
Southern Shops of Granville: Antiques, Home Decor, Christmas and Garden Shop
"World's Largest" Limited-Edition Decanter Museum
Mayberry - I Love Lucy Museum
Historic Moonshine and Ice Cream Shop Exhibit Building
Clemons Antique Car Museum
Granville Gift Shop
Security Bank Museum
Post Office/Barber Shop Museum
Historic 1880s T. B. Sutton General Store
Artisan's Gallery (Second Floor Sutton General Store)
Historic Granville Museum
Farm to Your Table Museum
Historic Sutton Homestead
Historic United Methodist Church (Services every Sunday at 11:00 AM)
Pioneer Village (Historic Log Cabin and Outbuildings)
Granville Agriculture Museum
Antique Car Museum and Service Station
Granville Artisan's Building
Tennessee Quilt & Textile Museum
Wildwood Marina and Restaurant
Granville Paddle and Board (Canoe, Kayak and Paddleboard Rental)
See full slate of activities in Granville at www.granvilletn.com

Live Bluegrass & Dinner Every Saturday Night
Reservations Required. Purchase Tickets online at granvilletn.com or Call 931.653.4151